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Professional Service

  1. Conference Chair, IEEE/CIGRE The International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics 2024 (SGSMA 2024), Washington DC, 2024
  2. Workshop co-chair, NSF Workshop on Enabling Cyber-Resilient Distribution Systems with Edge-IBR, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, October 2024
  3. Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure for Smart Electric Grids: Enhancing Security and Resilience, IEEE 4th Cyber Awareness and Research Symposium (CARS’24), October 2024
  4. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Hongkong China, May 2024
  5. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, San Antonio, TX, April 2023
  6. Symposium Technical Chair, IEEE SmartGridComm 2021
  7. Workshop Co-Chair, “Measuring and Enabling Power Grid Resilience: Challenges and Solutions”, Resilience Week, October, 2021
  8. Steering committee member, NSF/ PSERC Executive Forum on Grid at the “Edge”: Interfacing Legacy Grids operated by Utilities with Emerging Grid Components Owned and Operated by Third Parties, 2020-2021
  9. Workshop Co-Chair, WS-2: Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in Power Transmission Systems, IEEE SmartGridComm, AZ, 2020
  10. Organizing Committee Member, NSF Sponsored, “Forging Connections between Machine Learning, Data Science, & Power Systems Research, NSF, Alexandria, VA, March 2020.
  11. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Sydney, Australia, April 2020
  12. Symposium Co-Chair, Communications and Networking, IEEE SmartGridComm, China, 2019
  13. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Montreal, Canada, April 2019
  14. NSF sponsored “Data analytics workshop for the power grid resiliency”, Portland, OR, 2018
  15. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Portugal, March 2018
  16. Data Analytics Workshop in Smart Grid, Sponsored by Siemens, Pullman, WA, August 2017
  17. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Pittsburgh, PA, March 21, 2017
  18. IEEE Workshop on Synchrophasors Applications, Singapore, Philippines and India, July 2017
  19. North American Power Symposium, technically sponsored by IEEE, Washington State University, September 2014 (attendees: 229)
  20. Tutorial on Phasor Measurement Unit, WSU Relay School, March, 2013 and 2014
  21. Workshop on Testing and Validation of synchrophasor devices and applications, Pullman, WSU, March 2012 (around 80 attendees)
  1. IEEE SmartGridComm 2012, 2013, 2019 and 2020
  2. MSCPES, CPSWeek, 2012-2022
  3. Power System Computation Conference (PSCC), Poland 2014
  4. International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy (ICUE), Thailand, 2014
  5. International Conference on Modern Power and Energy System (ICMPES), India, 2013
  6. International Conference on Diagnostics, Czech Republic, 2013
  7. Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Sanya, Hainan, China, 2013
  8. IEEE South East Conference, Memphis, TN, USA, 2006
  1. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, 2019-Present
  2. Elsevier Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems: SUSCOM, 2018-2021
  3. Past Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018-2021
  4. Past Editor, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015-2019
  5. Past Editor, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2016-2019
  6. Past Editor, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2018-2019
  1. IET GTD special issue on “Next Generation of Synchrophasor-based Power System Monitoring, Operation and Control”, 2020
  2. IEEE TII special issue on, “Deep learning and data analytics to support the smart grid operation with renewable energy”, 2020
  3. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, “Emerging Trends in System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) for Improving the Performance of Smart Grid”, 2019
  4. IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, “Security, Reliability, Privacy, and Quality in Industrial Automation and Control”, 2019
  5. IET Smart Grid, “Machine Learning in Power Systems”, 2019
  6. IET Smart Grid, “Definition, Quantification, Analysis and Enhancement of Grid Resilience”, 2019
  7. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, “Cloud Computing in Smart Grid Operation and Management”, 2018
  8. IET Smart Grid, “Cyber Physical Systems for Power Distribution Systems”, 2018


  1. IEEE Transactions on Power System
  2. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
  3. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
  4. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
  5. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
  6. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  7. IEEE Transactions on Education
  8. IEEE Power Engineering Society Letters
  9. IEE Proc. on Generation, Transmission & Distribution
  10. European Transactions on Electric Power
  11. International Journal of Engineering Education
  1. National Science Foundation, USA
  2. Department of Energy, USA
  3. Science Foundation, Croatia
  4. National Science and Engineering Research Council, Canada
  5. Canada Foundation for Innovation, Canada
  6. National Research Fund, Qatar
  7. Bonneville Power Administration, USA
  8. The Implementation Group, Inc, USA
  9. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
  10. Oak Ridge Associated Universities, USA and Kazakhstan
  1. University of Vermont,
  2. Stony Brook University
  3. Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
  4. University of Connecticut
  5. Oregon State University
  6. Texas Tech University
  7. Syracuse University
  8. Stonybrook University
  9. Arizona State University
  10. Clarkson University
  11. Iowa State University
  12. University of Houston
  13. Michigan State University
  14. Asian Institute of Technology
  15. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  16. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
  17. York University
  18. University of Texas
  19. New Mexico State University
  20. Clemson University
  21. University of Central Florida
  22. University of Tennessee
  23. Penn State University
  24. University of Utah
  1. IEEE Fellow Evaluating Committee, 2023-Present
  2. IEEE PES Fellow Nomination Committee, 2022-present
  3. Advisory Board, WVU Tech, 2021-Present
  4. Session Chair, “Advanced Tools and Metrics for Microgrid Development and Performance Evaluation”, Panel, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2024
  5. Session co-chair, “Research to Implementation for Distribution Grid Operation”, IEEE PES ISGT, Washington DC, Feb, 2024
  6. Advisory committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial  Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA-2023), Sep. 2023 
  7. Session Chair, “Distribution Grid Resilience: Metrics and Integration into Planning/ Operation”, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2023
  8. Session Chair, “Microgrid Applications and Demonstrations: Lessons learned”, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2023
  9. Chair Professorship Review Committee, WVU, 2022 and 2023
  10. IEEE PES Graduate Scholarship Review Committee, 2020-2022
  11. Industry Liaison, SmartGridCom, 2020
  12. Advisor, ERIGrid2: European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid, 2020-
  13. Post-COVID lab reopening preparation committee, EECS, VCEA, 2020
  14. Session Co-Chair, “Opportunities and challenges for voltage stability with power-electronics interfaced components”, IEEE PESGM Panel 2022
  15. Session Co-Chair, “Tools and Metrics for Microgrid Design and Evaluation”, IEEE PESGM Panel 2022
  16. Session Co-Chair, “Utilizing distribution system assets and DER for transmission system voltage stability”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
  17. Session Co-Chair, “Data-Quality Aware Synchrophasor Applications”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
  18. Session Chair, “Power System Dynamic Performance 2”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
  19. Session Co-Chair, “Research and Education in Distribution Management System with DERs for Resilient Grid”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
  20. Session Chair, IEEE International conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, “Management and Control in Smart Grid”, Kerala, India, January 2020
  21. Session Chair, IEEE North American Power Symposium (NAPS), “DER Management”, Wichita, KS, October 2019
  22. Session Chair, IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, “Management and Control in the Smart Grid”, Baltimore, MD, October 2019
  23. Session Co-Chair, “Integrating Resiliency into Operational Practice”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2019
  24. Session Co-Chair, “Microgrid Tools: Design, Optimization, Business Case and Resiliency”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2019
  25. Session Co-Chair, “Challenges and solutions for Synchrophasor Data Quality in Power System Operation”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2019
  26. Session Chair, IEEE T&D Latin America, Lima Peru, September 2018
  27. Session Chair, North American Power Symposium, Fargo, North Dakota, September 2018
  28. Session Chair, IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, September 2018
  29. Session Co-Chair, “Measuring and Enabling Resiliency using Microgrid”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR, August 2018
  30. Session Co-Chair, “Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Synchrophasor Applications at the Control Center”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR August 2018
  31. Session Co-Chair, “Computational Infrastructure for Distributed Control in the Power Grid”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR August 2018
  32. Session Co-Chair, “Cyber Physical Power System Simulation: Technology and Practice”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR August 2018
  33. Review Committee Member, WSU Academic Showcase, 2018
  34. Session Co-Chair, “Security Analysis and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2017
  35. Session Co-Chair, “Lessons Learned from Implementing Portable and Reconfigurable Microgrids for Resilient Operation” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2017.
  36. Session Co-Chair, “Measuring and Enabling Resiliency using Microgrid”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, July 2016
  37. Session Chair, “Integrating Synchrophasor Research into Education”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, July 2016
  38. Session Chair, International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), Mumbai, India, December 2015
  39. Session Co-Chair, “Power System Control I”, IEEE Industrial Application Society, Addison, TX, October 2015
  40. Session Co-Chair, “Power System Stability II”, North American Power Symposium, Charlotte, NC, October 2015
  41. Session Co-Chair, “Cyber-Physical Educational Modules”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 2015
  42. Session Co-Chair, “Microgrid as a Resource for Resiliency”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 2015
  43. Session Co-Chair, “Lessons-Learned from Microgrid Implementation”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 2015
  44. Session Co-Chair, “Microgrid Operation in Contingencies and Recovery”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Washington DC, July 2014
  45. Session Chair, “Intelligent Controls for Microgrids”, Power System Conference, Clemson, SC, March 2014
  46. Session Chair, ‘Microgrid’, North American Power Symposium, Manhattan, KS, September 2013
  47. Session Chair, ‘Hands-on Activities for Pre-Engineering Outreach’, IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, BC, July 2013
  48. Session Chair, ‘Synchrophasors and Smart Meters’, North American Power Symposium, Urbana, IL, September, 2012
  49. Session Co-Chair, ‘Military Microgrid’, IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2012
  50. Member, IEEE PES Scholarship review committee, 2011-2016
  51. Session Chair, ‘Protection II’, North American Power Symposium, Boston, MN, August 5-6, 2011
  52. Session Chair, ‘Educational Research Methods Potpourri II’, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011
  53. Session Chair, ‘Resources for K-12 Outreach’, IEEE PES General Meeting, Detroit, MI, July 24-28, 2011
  54. Session Chair, ‘Power Electronics in Power System II’, North American Power Symposium, Arlington, TX, September 26-28, 2010
  55. Member, DG integration Committee, ASME, 2010-11
  56. Member, PDC-PMU communication committee, NASPI, 2010-11
  57. Student Paper/ presentation Judge, North American Power Symposium, Arlington, TX, September 26-28, 2010
  58. Session Chair, ‘Dynamic Performance of HVDC and FACTS’, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 25-29, 2010
  59. Student Poster Judge, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 25-29, 2010
  60. Session Chair, ‘Modeling student data’, American Society of Engineering Education, Louisville, KY, June 20-23, 2010
  61. Student Poster Judge, IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T&D, April 2010
  62. Student Program Chair and member of Organizing Committee, North American Power Symposium, NAPS, Mississippi State, MS, October 2009
  63. Judge, Conrad Spirit of Innovations Award, 2009
  64. Session Chair, ‘System Identification and Model Predictive Control’, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Calgary, July 26-30, 2009
  65. Judge, Mississippi Science Fair, Mississippi State University, March 26th, 2009
  66. Judge, Student Poster Contest, IEEE PES General Meeting, Calgary, Canada July 26-30, 2009
  67. Session Co-Chair, ‘Power System Dynamic Performance I’, Power System Conference and Exposition (PSCE), Seattle, WA, March 15-18, 2009
  68. Session Chair, ‘Power System Dynamic Performance II’, Power System Conference and Exposition (PSCE), Seattle, WA, March 15-18, 2009
  69. Session Chair, ‘Voltage Stability and Contingency Analysis’, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Calgary, Canada, September 28 – 30, 2008
  70. Judge, Student paper competition, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Calgary, Canada, September 28 – 30, 2008
  71. Secretary, NAPS steering committee, 2008
  72. Chair, Student support program, IEEE PES T&D conference, April 20-24, 2008, Chicago, IL
  73. Session Chair, ‘Control of Power System Components’, NAPS, Las Cruces, NM, September 30 –October 2, 2007
  74. Judge, Student paper competition, NAPS, Las Cruces, NM, Sep. 30 – Oct. 2, 2007
  75. Judge, Student poster competition, PES, Tampa, FL, June 24-28, 2007
  76. Judge, Student presentation, ESCAPE, MSU, Mississippi State, MS, March 2-3, 2007
  77. Judge, Student paper competition, PSCE, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 29-Nov. 1 2006
  78. Session Chair, ‘Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy I’, NAPS, Carbondale, IL, Sep. 17-19, 2006
  79. Judge, Student paper competition, NAPS Carbondale, IL, Sep. 17-19, 2006
  80. Judge, Student poster competition, IEEE PES General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2006
  81. Judge, Student poster competition, IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference, Dallas, TX, May 2006
  82. Judge, Student poster competition, ISAP, Washington DC, November 2005
  83. Judge, Mississippi Region V Elementary and Secondary Science and Engineering Fair, Mississippi State, MSU February 28 – March 1, 2007
  84. Judge, Mississippi Region V Elementary and Secondary Science and Engineering Fair, MSU, March 2006
  85. Judge, Ethics competition, SECON, Memphis, TN, April 2006
  86. Chaired electrical engineering, computer and embedded system engineering and general engineering track at IEEE South East Conference, Memphis, TN March 30-April 2, 2006
  87. Judge, Mississippi State Science and Engineering Fair, MSU, April 2006
  1. Workshop Co-chair, WS-2: Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in Power Transmission Systems, IEEE SmartGridComm 2020, AZ, USA
  2. Organizing Committee Member, NSF Sponsored, “Forging Connections between Machine Learning, Data Science, & Power Systems Research, NSF, Alexandria, VA, March, 2020.
  3. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Sydney, Australia, April, 2020
  4. Symposium Co-chair, Communications and Networking, IEEE SmartGridComm 2019, China
  5. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Montreal, Canada, April, 2019
  6. NSF sponsored “Data analytics workshop for the power grid resiliency” in Portland, OR, 2018
  7. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Portugal, March, 2018
  8. Data Analytics Workshop in Smart Grid, Sponsored by Siemens, Pullman, WA, August, 2017
  9. Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Pittsburgh, PA, March 21st, 2017
  10. IEEE Workshop on Synchrophasors Applications, Singapore, Philippines and India, July 2017
  11. North American Power Symposium, technically sponsored by IEEE, Washington State University, September, 2014 (attendees: 229)
  12. Tutorial on Phasor Measurement Unit, WSU Relay School, March, 2013 and 2014
  13. Workshop on Testing and Validation of synchrophasor devices and applications, Pullman, WSU, March, 2012 (around 80 attendees)
  14. LabView workshop and hands-on experience, Mississippi State University, January, 2006
  • IEEE (Student Member, 2000-2005, Member, 2005-2009, Senior Member, 2009-present)
    • IEEE Power Engineering Society (2002-present)
      • Bulk Power System Operation Subcommittee (BPSO), PSOPE (Vice-Chair, 2020-present, Secretary: 2018-2019)
        • IEEE Task Force on Synchrophasor Applications in Control Center (Chair, 2017- present)
        • Operational Tools for Enabling Resiliency, PSOPE, (vice-Chair, 2017-present)
      • Power and Energy Education Committee (PEEC)(Chair: 2020-present, vice-chair: 2018- 2019, Secretary: 2016-2017)
        • Power Engineering Career Promotion Subcommittee (Member: 2007-present, Vice Chair: 2009, Chair: 2011, Past-Chair-2013)
        • Awards Committee (Secretary – 2014-2015, vice-chair-2016, chair-2017-present)
      • Power System Dynamic Performance (PSDP)
      • IEEE Voltage Stability Working Group (Secretary: 2015-2016, Vice-chair: 2017- 2018, Chair: 2019-)
    • Energy Development & Power Generation Committee (2009-present)
      • Energy Development Subcommittee (2009-present)
        • Distributed Generation and Energy Storage Subcommittee (Member, 2009-present, Webmaster-2010, Awards Liaison: 2011-)
          • Microgrid Implementation Working Group (Co-Chair, 2012-)
    • Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) Committee, CAMS
      • Computational Challenges and Solutions for Implementing Distributed Optimization in the Power Systems (Co-Chair: 2019-)
    • IEEE Industrial Application Society (2012-present)
    • IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2014-present)
  • ASEE (2005-2012)
  • Sigma Xi Honor Society (2004-2011)
  • Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society (2004-2011)
  • IEEE ICAP Synchrophasor Conformance Subcommittee (Past Vice-Chair, 2013)
  • North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI) (2006-Present)
    • Phasor benefits and metrics working group
    • PMU for control Application (Chair: 2018-)
  • Joint Synchronized Information Subcommittee, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (2012- Present)
  • Synchronized Measurement System, NERC, (2019-present)
  • CIGRE: Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques
    • Member, C2.25, Operational Resilience
    • Member, C4C2.58, Voltage Stability Assessment in Transmission System
    • Member, C4.47, Power System Resilience
    • Member, D2.52, Artificial Intelligence Application and Technology in Power Industry