Professional And Outreach Activities
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- Professional And Outreach Activities
Professional Service
- Conference Chair, IEEE/CIGRE The International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics 2024 (SGSMA 2024), Washington DC, 2024
- Workshop co-chair, NSF Workshop on Enabling Cyber-Resilient Distribution Systems with Edge-IBR, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, October 2024
- Workshop on Cyber Infrastructure for Smart Electric Grids: Enhancing Security and Resilience, IEEE 4th Cyber Awareness and Research Symposium (CARS’24), October 2024
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Hongkong China, May 2024
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, San Antonio, TX, April 2023
- Symposium Technical Chair, IEEE SmartGridComm 2021
- Workshop Co-Chair, “Measuring and Enabling Power Grid Resilience: Challenges and Solutions”, Resilience Week, October, 2021
- Steering committee member, NSF/ PSERC Executive Forum on Grid at the “Edge”: Interfacing Legacy Grids operated by Utilities with Emerging Grid Components Owned and Operated by Third Parties, 2020-2021
- Workshop Co-Chair, WS-2: Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in Power Transmission Systems, IEEE SmartGridComm, AZ, 2020
- Organizing Committee Member, NSF Sponsored, “Forging Connections between Machine Learning, Data Science, & Power Systems Research, NSF, Alexandria, VA, March 2020.
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Sydney, Australia, April 2020
- Symposium Co-Chair, Communications and Networking, IEEE SmartGridComm, China, 2019
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Montreal, Canada, April 2019
- NSF sponsored “Data analytics workshop for the power grid resiliency”, Portland, OR, 2018
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Portugal, March 2018
- Data Analytics Workshop in Smart Grid, Sponsored by Siemens, Pullman, WA, August 2017
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Pittsburgh, PA, March 21, 2017
- IEEE Workshop on Synchrophasors Applications, Singapore, Philippines and India, July 2017
- North American Power Symposium, technically sponsored by IEEE, Washington State University, September 2014 (attendees: 229)
- Tutorial on Phasor Measurement Unit, WSU Relay School, March, 2013 and 2014
- Workshop on Testing and Validation of synchrophasor devices and applications, Pullman, WSU, March 2012 (around 80 attendees)
- IEEE SmartGridComm 2012, 2013, 2019 and 2020
- MSCPES, CPSWeek, 2012-2022
- Power System Computation Conference (PSCC), Poland 2014
- International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy (ICUE), Thailand, 2014
- International Conference on Modern Power and Energy System (ICMPES), India, 2013
- International Conference on Diagnostics, Czech Republic, 2013
- Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Sanya, Hainan, China, 2013
- IEEE South East Conference, Memphis, TN, USA, 2006
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, 2019-Present
- Elsevier Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems: SUSCOM, 2018-2021
- Past Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018-2021
- Past Editor, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015-2019
- Past Editor, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2016-2019
- Past Editor, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2018-2019
- IET GTD special issue on “Next Generation of Synchrophasor-based Power System Monitoring, Operation and Control”, 2020
- IEEE TII special issue on, “Deep learning and data analytics to support the smart grid operation with renewable energy”, 2020
- IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, “Emerging Trends in System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) for Improving the Performance of Smart Grid”, 2019
- IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, “Security, Reliability, Privacy, and Quality in Industrial Automation and Control”, 2019
- IET Smart Grid, “Machine Learning in Power Systems”, 2019
- IET Smart Grid, “Definition, Quantification, Analysis and Enhancement of Grid Resilience”, 2019
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, “Cloud Computing in Smart Grid Operation and Management”, 2018
- IET Smart Grid, “Cyber Physical Systems for Power Distribution Systems”, 2018
- IEEE Transactions on Power System
- IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
- IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
- IEEE Transactions on Education
- IEEE Power Engineering Society Letters
- IEE Proc. on Generation, Transmission & Distribution
- European Transactions on Electric Power
- International Journal of Engineering Education
- National Science Foundation, USA
- Department of Energy, USA
- Science Foundation, Croatia
- National Science and Engineering Research Council, Canada
- Canada Foundation for Innovation, Canada
- National Research Fund, Qatar
- Bonneville Power Administration, USA
- The Implementation Group, Inc, USA
- King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
- Oak Ridge Associated Universities, USA and Kazakhstan
- University of Vermont,
- Stony Brook University
- Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
- University of Connecticut
- Oregon State University
- Texas Tech University
- Syracuse University
- Stonybrook University
- Arizona State University
- Clarkson University
- Iowa State University
- University of Houston
- Michigan State University
- Asian Institute of Technology
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
- York University
- University of Texas
- New Mexico State University
- Clemson University
- University of Central Florida
- University of Tennessee
- Penn State University
- University of Utah
- IEEE Fellow Evaluating Committee, 2023-Present
- IEEE PES Fellow Nomination Committee, 2022-present
- Advisory Board, WVU Tech, 2021-Present
- Session Chair, “Advanced Tools and Metrics for Microgrid Development and Performance Evaluation”, Panel, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2024
- Session co-chair, “Research to Implementation for Distribution Grid Operation”, IEEE PES ISGT, Washington DC, Feb, 2024
- Advisory committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA-2023), Sep. 2023
- Session Chair, “Distribution Grid Resilience: Metrics and Integration into Planning/ Operation”, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2023
- Session Chair, “Microgrid Applications and Demonstrations: Lessons learned”, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2023
- Chair Professorship Review Committee, WVU, 2022 and 2023
- IEEE PES Graduate Scholarship Review Committee, 2020-2022
- Industry Liaison, SmartGridCom, 2020
- Advisor, ERIGrid2: European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid, 2020-
- Post-COVID lab reopening preparation committee, EECS, VCEA, 2020
- Session Co-Chair, “Opportunities and challenges for voltage stability with power-electronics interfaced components”, IEEE PESGM Panel 2022
- Session Co-Chair, “Tools and Metrics for Microgrid Design and Evaluation”, IEEE PESGM Panel 2022
- Session Co-Chair, “Utilizing distribution system assets and DER for transmission system voltage stability”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
- Session Co-Chair, “Data-Quality Aware Synchrophasor Applications”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
- Session Chair, “Power System Dynamic Performance 2”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
- Session Co-Chair, “Research and Education in Distribution Management System with DERs for Resilient Grid”, IEEE PES General Meeting, August 2020
- Session Chair, IEEE International conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, “Management and Control in Smart Grid”, Kerala, India, January 2020
- Session Chair, IEEE North American Power Symposium (NAPS), “DER Management”, Wichita, KS, October 2019
- Session Chair, IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, “Management and Control in the Smart Grid”, Baltimore, MD, October 2019
- Session Co-Chair, “Integrating Resiliency into Operational Practice”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2019
- Session Co-Chair, “Microgrid Tools: Design, Optimization, Business Case and Resiliency”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2019
- Session Co-Chair, “Challenges and solutions for Synchrophasor Data Quality in Power System Operation”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2019
- Session Chair, IEEE T&D Latin America, Lima Peru, September 2018
- Session Chair, North American Power Symposium, Fargo, North Dakota, September 2018
- Session Chair, IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, September 2018
- Session Co-Chair, “Measuring and Enabling Resiliency using Microgrid”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR, August 2018
- Session Co-Chair, “Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Synchrophasor Applications at the Control Center”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR August 2018
- Session Co-Chair, “Computational Infrastructure for Distributed Control in the Power Grid”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR August 2018
- Session Co-Chair, “Cyber Physical Power System Simulation: Technology and Practice”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR August 2018
- Review Committee Member, WSU Academic Showcase, 2018
- Session Co-Chair, “Security Analysis and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2017
- Session Co-Chair, “Lessons Learned from Implementing Portable and Reconfigurable Microgrids for Resilient Operation” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2017.
- Session Co-Chair, “Measuring and Enabling Resiliency using Microgrid”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, July 2016
- Session Chair, “Integrating Synchrophasor Research into Education”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, July 2016
- Session Chair, International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), Mumbai, India, December 2015
- Session Co-Chair, “Power System Control I”, IEEE Industrial Application Society, Addison, TX, October 2015
- Session Co-Chair, “Power System Stability II”, North American Power Symposium, Charlotte, NC, October 2015
- Session Co-Chair, “Cyber-Physical Educational Modules”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 2015
- Session Co-Chair, “Microgrid as a Resource for Resiliency”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 2015
- Session Co-Chair, “Lessons-Learned from Microgrid Implementation”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 2015
- Session Co-Chair, “Microgrid Operation in Contingencies and Recovery”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Washington DC, July 2014
- Session Chair, “Intelligent Controls for Microgrids”, Power System Conference, Clemson, SC, March 2014
- Session Chair, ‘Microgrid’, North American Power Symposium, Manhattan, KS, September 2013
- Session Chair, ‘Hands-on Activities for Pre-Engineering Outreach’, IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, BC, July 2013
- Session Chair, ‘Synchrophasors and Smart Meters’, North American Power Symposium, Urbana, IL, September, 2012
- Session Co-Chair, ‘Military Microgrid’, IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2012
- Member, IEEE PES Scholarship review committee, 2011-2016
- Session Chair, ‘Protection II’, North American Power Symposium, Boston, MN, August 5-6, 2011
- Session Chair, ‘Educational Research Methods Potpourri II’, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011
- Session Chair, ‘Resources for K-12 Outreach’, IEEE PES General Meeting, Detroit, MI, July 24-28, 2011
- Session Chair, ‘Power Electronics in Power System II’, North American Power Symposium, Arlington, TX, September 26-28, 2010
- Member, DG integration Committee, ASME, 2010-11
- Member, PDC-PMU communication committee, NASPI, 2010-11
- Student Paper/ presentation Judge, North American Power Symposium, Arlington, TX, September 26-28, 2010
- Session Chair, ‘Dynamic Performance of HVDC and FACTS’, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 25-29, 2010
- Student Poster Judge, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 25-29, 2010
- Session Chair, ‘Modeling student data’, American Society of Engineering Education, Louisville, KY, June 20-23, 2010
- Student Poster Judge, IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T&D, April 2010
- Student Program Chair and member of Organizing Committee, North American Power Symposium, NAPS, Mississippi State, MS, October 2009
- Judge, Conrad Spirit of Innovations Award, 2009
- Session Chair, ‘System Identification and Model Predictive Control’, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Calgary, July 26-30, 2009
- Judge, Mississippi Science Fair, Mississippi State University, March 26th, 2009
- Judge, Student Poster Contest, IEEE PES General Meeting, Calgary, Canada July 26-30, 2009
- Session Co-Chair, ‘Power System Dynamic Performance I’, Power System Conference and Exposition (PSCE), Seattle, WA, March 15-18, 2009
- Session Chair, ‘Power System Dynamic Performance II’, Power System Conference and Exposition (PSCE), Seattle, WA, March 15-18, 2009
- Session Chair, ‘Voltage Stability and Contingency Analysis’, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Calgary, Canada, September 28 – 30, 2008
- Judge, Student paper competition, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Calgary, Canada, September 28 – 30, 2008
- Secretary, NAPS steering committee, 2008
- Chair, Student support program, IEEE PES T&D conference, April 20-24, 2008, Chicago, IL
- Session Chair, ‘Control of Power System Components’, NAPS, Las Cruces, NM, September 30 –October 2, 2007
- Judge, Student paper competition, NAPS, Las Cruces, NM, Sep. 30 – Oct. 2, 2007
- Judge, Student poster competition, PES, Tampa, FL, June 24-28, 2007
- Judge, Student presentation, ESCAPE, MSU, Mississippi State, MS, March 2-3, 2007
- Judge, Student paper competition, PSCE, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 29-Nov. 1 2006
- Session Chair, ‘Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy I’, NAPS, Carbondale, IL, Sep. 17-19, 2006
- Judge, Student paper competition, NAPS Carbondale, IL, Sep. 17-19, 2006
- Judge, Student poster competition, IEEE PES General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2006
- Judge, Student poster competition, IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference, Dallas, TX, May 2006
- Judge, Student poster competition, ISAP, Washington DC, November 2005
- Judge, Mississippi Region V Elementary and Secondary Science and Engineering Fair, Mississippi State, MSU February 28 – March 1, 2007
- Judge, Mississippi Region V Elementary and Secondary Science and Engineering Fair, MSU, March 2006
- Judge, Ethics competition, SECON, Memphis, TN, April 2006
- Chaired electrical engineering, computer and embedded system engineering and general engineering track at IEEE South East Conference, Memphis, TN March 30-April 2, 2006
- Judge, Mississippi State Science and Engineering Fair, MSU, April 2006
- Workshop Co-chair, WS-2: Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in Power Transmission Systems, IEEE SmartGridComm 2020, AZ, USA
- Organizing Committee Member, NSF Sponsored, “Forging Connections between Machine Learning, Data Science, & Power Systems Research, NSF, Alexandria, VA, March, 2020.
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Sydney, Australia, April, 2020
- Symposium Co-chair, Communications and Networking, IEEE SmartGridComm 2019, China
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Montreal, Canada, April, 2019
- NSF sponsored “Data analytics workshop for the power grid resiliency” in Portland, OR, 2018
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Portugal, March, 2018
- Data Analytics Workshop in Smart Grid, Sponsored by Siemens, Pullman, WA, August, 2017
- Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy System, CPSWeek, Pittsburgh, PA, March 21st, 2017
- IEEE Workshop on Synchrophasors Applications, Singapore, Philippines and India, July 2017
- North American Power Symposium, technically sponsored by IEEE, Washington State University, September, 2014 (attendees: 229)
- Tutorial on Phasor Measurement Unit, WSU Relay School, March, 2013 and 2014
- Workshop on Testing and Validation of synchrophasor devices and applications, Pullman, WSU, March, 2012 (around 80 attendees)
- LabView workshop and hands-on experience, Mississippi State University, January, 2006
- IEEE (Student Member, 2000-2005, Member, 2005-2009, Senior Member, 2009-present)
- IEEE Power Engineering Society (2002-present)
- Bulk Power System Operation Subcommittee (BPSO), PSOPE (Vice-Chair, 2020-present, Secretary: 2018-2019)
- IEEE Task Force on Synchrophasor Applications in Control Center (Chair, 2017- present)
- Operational Tools for Enabling Resiliency, PSOPE, (vice-Chair, 2017-present)
- Power and Energy Education Committee (PEEC)(Chair: 2020-present, vice-chair: 2018- 2019, Secretary: 2016-2017)
- Power Engineering Career Promotion Subcommittee (Member: 2007-present, Vice Chair: 2009, Chair: 2011, Past-Chair-2013)
- Awards Committee (Secretary – 2014-2015, vice-chair-2016, chair-2017-present)
- Power System Dynamic Performance (PSDP)
- IEEE Voltage Stability Working Group (Secretary: 2015-2016, Vice-chair: 2017- 2018, Chair: 2019-)
- Bulk Power System Operation Subcommittee (BPSO), PSOPE (Vice-Chair, 2020-present, Secretary: 2018-2019)
- Energy Development & Power Generation Committee (2009-present)
- Energy Development Subcommittee (2009-present)
- Distributed Generation and Energy Storage Subcommittee (Member, 2009-present, Webmaster-2010, Awards Liaison: 2011-)
- Microgrid Implementation Working Group (Co-Chair, 2012-)
- Distributed Generation and Energy Storage Subcommittee (Member, 2009-present, Webmaster-2010, Awards Liaison: 2011-)
- Energy Development Subcommittee (2009-present)
- Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) Committee, CAMS
- Computational Challenges and Solutions for Implementing Distributed Optimization in the Power Systems (Co-Chair: 2019-)
- IEEE Industrial Application Society (2012-present)
- IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2014-present)
- IEEE Power Engineering Society (2002-present)
- ASEE (2005-2012)
- Sigma Xi Honor Society (2004-2011)
- Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society (2004-2011)
- IEEE ICAP Synchrophasor Conformance Subcommittee (Past Vice-Chair, 2013)
- North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI) (2006-Present)
- Phasor benefits and metrics working group
- PMU for control Application (Chair: 2018-)
- Joint Synchronized Information Subcommittee, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (2012- Present)
- Synchronized Measurement System, NERC, (2019-present)
- CIGRE: Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques
- Member, C2.25, Operational Resilience
- Member, C4C2.58, Voltage Stability Assessment in Transmission System
- Member, C4.47, Power System Resilience
- Member, D2.52, Artificial Intelligence Application and Technology in Power Industry