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Visiting Faculty and Post-Doctoral Fellow
  1. Sagnik Basumallik, Engineering Scientist, May 2022 – August 2024 (Working with the New York Ppwer Authority (NYPA), NY)
  2. Paramarshi Banerjee, Post-doctoral Fellow, Feb. 2023-September 2024 (Working with Siemens, Germany)
  3. Vignesh V. Krishnan, Visiting Faculty, February 2024-August 2024
  4. Pratyasa Bhui, Visiting Faculty (Nov, 2023-May 2024)
  5. Sajan K. Sadanandan, Engineering Scientist, October 2021 – April 2022 (Working at the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Dubai, UAE)
  6. Subir Majumder, Engineering Scientist, September 2021 – March 2023 (Working at the Texas A&M University, College Station, TX)
  1. Sanjeev Pannala, Assistant Research Professor/ Post-Doc, July 2019 – July 2023 (co-mentored with Dr. Schulz), Working at National Renewable Energy Lab
  2. Subir Majumder, Post-Doc Fellow, Jan. 2020 – Aug. 2021 (supported by DOE and NSF), Working at the Texas A&M University, College Station.
  3. Sajan K. Sadanandan, Post-Doc Fellow, December 2018 – September 2021
  4. Amirkhosoro Vosughi, Post-Doc Fellow, January 2020 – March 2021 (Supported by DOE), working at OpenEye, Liberty Lake, WA
  5. Pratim Kundu, Assistant Research Professor, 2018- 2019 (supported by EPRI, ARPA-E, PSERC), Working as a Faculty at Indian Institute of Tech., Mandi, India
  6. Illia Diahovchenko, Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellow, December 2018-June 2019, (supported by Fulbright), Working as a Faculty at Sumy State University, Ukraine
  7. Ramyar Saeedi, Post-Doctoral Fellow, (Co-advised with Prof. Gebremedhin), October 2018-August 2019 (Supported by DOE), Working at Hitachi America
  8. Venkatesh Venkataramanan, Post-Doctoral Fellow, July 2019-August 2019 (Supported by DOE), Working at National Renewable Energy Lab.
  9. Vignesh Krishnan, Assistant Research Professor, July 2016- October 2018 (Supported by DOE, ARPA-E, Siemens, EPRI), – Working as a Faculty at IIT Tirupati
  10. Param Banerjee, Assistant Research Professor, July 2015 – June 2018 (Supported by DOE, NSF, PSERC, EPRI), Working at the AutoGrid R&D
  11. Chandrashekhar N. Bhende, Visiting Faculty from IIT Bhuvneshwar, May-July 2018 (Funded by Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship)
  12. Anju Meghwani, Visiting Post-Doctoral Associate, Summer 2018 (Supported by DOE)
  13. Sandeep Anand, Visiting Faculty, Summer 2018 (Supported by DOE)
  14. Ramon Zamora, Post-Doctoral Associate, January 2016- July 2016 (Supported by NSF grant), working at the Auckland University of Technology as a Faculty
  15. Prabodh Bajpai, Visiting Faculty, May 2015 – July 2015 (Funded by Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum)
  16. Shaowei Huang, Post-Doctoral Fellow, January-March 2013 (Funded by Tsinghua University, China)
Ph.D. Students (Graduated)
  1. Partha Sarkar, “Enabling Cybersecure and Resilient Smart Distribution Grid with Edge Devices”, August 2023 (working at Dominion Energy, VA)
  1. Srayashi Konar, “Distributed Discrete Optimization for Autonomous Restoration in DER-Rich Power Distribution Network”, December 2023 (Working with General Electric, NY)
  2. Linli Jia, “Distribution Power System Resiliency in DER-Rich Environment”, August 2023, (working at the Dominion Energy, VA)
  3. Amir Gholami, “Disturbance and Outage Root Cause Analysis in Distribution System Using Physics-aware Data-driven Approaches”, September, 2022 (working at the Ulteig, CA)
  4. Chuan Qin, “Data-Driven Situational Awareness for Distribution System Resiliency”, August 2022 (Working at the Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland, WA)
  5. Arman Ahmed, “Data Driven Event Analysis for Cyber-Power System”, August 2022 (Co-advised with Dr. Yinghui Wu) (WSU-PNNL Distinguished Graduate Research Fellow) (Working at Intel, Beverton, OR)
  6. Niloy Patari, “Distributed Voltage Control and Optimization for Distribution Power Systems”, December 2021 (Working at National Grid, NY)
  7. Gowtham Kandaperumal, “Resiliency-Driven Situational Awareness and Decision Support For Cyber-Power Distribution Systems”, July, 2021 (PNNL DGRP fellow co-advised with Dr. K. Schneider) (Working at the ComEd, Chicago, IL)
  8. Armina Foroutan, “Generator Model Validation and Calibration Using Synchrophasor Measurements”, May 2021 (Working at the GE Grid Solutions, Redmond, WA)
  9. Syed Rizvi, “Data-Driven Algorithms for Power System Load Model Parameter Estimation and Voltage Stability Assessment”, May 2021 (Working at the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Dubai, UAE)
  10. Zhijie Nie,”Cyber-Physical Resilience Analysis for Power Systems”, December 2020 (Working at the GE Grid Solutions, Redmond, WA)
  11. Shikhar Pandey, “Application-Aware Synchrophasor Estimation and Quality-Aware Applications”, May 2020 (Working at the ComEd, Chicago, IL)
  12. Yue Zhang, “Data-Driven Algorithms for Distribution System Operation and Control”, Ph.D., August 2019 (Working at the GE Grid Solutions, Redmond, WA)
  13. Venkatesh Venkataramanan, “Cyber-Physical Resilience Assessment for Active Power Distribution Systems”, August 2019 (Co-advised with Dr. Hahn) (Working as the National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO)
  14. Krishnanjan G. Ravikumar, “Adaptive Remedial Action Schemes using Synchrophasors”, Ph.D., December 2018, (Working at the Google, VA)
  15. Tushar, “Measuring and Enabling Cyber-Physical Resiliency of Electric Transmission Systems”, Ph.D., December 2018, (Working at the GE Grid Solutions, Redmond, WA)
  16. Sayonsom Chanda, “Enabling Resiliency of the Electric Distribution Systems During Extreme Events”, December 2018, (Working at the National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO)
  17. Bo Cui, “Synchrophasor Based Failure Diagnosis and Asset Monitoring in Transmission Network Protection System”, Ph.D., August 2018, (Working at Microsoft, Redmond, WA)
  18. Ren Liu, “Cyber-Physical Security Analysis for Synchrophasor Applications”, Ph.D., December 2017, (Working at Dominion Virginia Power, Richmond, VA)
  19. Hyojong Lee, “Development, Modeling, and Applications of PMUs”, Ph.D., December 2017 (Working at the Hitachi Energy, Cary, NC)
  20. Ramon Zamora, “Energy Management and Multi-Layer Control of Networked Microgrids”, Ph.D., December 2015, (Working as a faculty at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
  21. Saugata Biswas, “Synchrophasor Based Voltage Stability Monitoring and Control of Power Systems”, Ph.D., September 2014 (*Best Graduate Research Assistant Award) (Working at the GE Grid Solutions, Redmond, WA)
  22. Farshid Shariatzadeh, “Energy Management and Control of Active Distribution Systems”, Ph.D., August 2014 (Working at the Google, Seattle, WA)
  1. Y. Baez-Rivera, “Control of Multi-generators for the All-Electric Ship”, (co-advised with Dr. Noel Schulz) Ph.D., May 2011 (Best graduate student award from President’s Commission on the Status of Women) (Associate Chair, Undergraduate Programs & Program Director, Electrical Engineering Technology at University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC)
  2. M. Lin, “Static and Dynamic Voltage Stability Assessment of Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems”, (co-advised with Dr. Noel Schulz), Ph.D., December 2010 (working at New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), NY)
  3. Q. Huang, “Power System Distributed State Estimation with Phasor Measurement Units”, (co-advised with Dr. Noel Schulz), Ph.D., December 2010 (with Focus PDM, CA)
M.S. Students (Graduated)
  1. Vasavi Sivaramakrishnan, “Real-Time Power System Testbed Development and Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Data Anomaly Detection”, August 2024 (working at Dominion Energy, VA)
  1. Mustafa Hussain, “Real-Time Testbed Development for Cyber-Power Analysis and Validation”, July 2021, (co-advised with Dr. A. Hahn) (continued as a Ph.D. student)
  2. Arman Ahmed, “PMUNET: Anomaly Detection Over Concept Drifting Synchrophasor Data Streams”, May 2019 (Co-advised with Dr. Wu) (Continued as a PNNL Fellow)
  3. Matteo Menazzi, “Enabling Resiliency Through Outage Management and Real-Time Data-Driven Aggregated DERs”, EU Student with WSU Thesis, August 2018. (Working with ABB, Bergamo, Italy)
  4. Shikhar Pandey, “A Real-Time Synchrophasor Data-Driven Approach for Event Detection in The Power Grid”, December 2017 (Continued as a doctoral student at WSU and now working at the ComEd, Chicago, IL)
  5. Mengze Zhou, “An Ensemble-based Algorithm for Synchrophasor Data Anomaly Detection”, May 2017 (Working at the PacificCorp, Portland, WA)
  6. Guo Yu, “Three-phase distribution state estimation using smart meter data”, S., August 2016 (Working with 1898 and Co., Greater Boston, MA)
  7. Leslie Corson, “Development and Integration of Three Phase Unbalanced Voltage Stability Index into Multi-Objective Optimization for Distribution System Planning”, M.S., December 2015 (Working with Douglas County PUD, East Wenatchee, WA)
  8. Venkatesh Venkataramanan, “A Real-Time Cyber-Physical Testbed for Microgrid Resiliency Analysis”, M.S., August 2015 (Continued as a Doctoral Student, WSU)
  9. Sayonsom Chanda, “Measuring and Enabling Resiliency in Distribution Systems with Multiple Microgrids”, M.S., August 2015 (Continuing as a Doctoral Student, WSU)
  10. Tushar, “Data-Driven Load Modeling and Application in Voltage Stability”, M.S., August 2015 (Continued as a Doctoral Student, WSU and at the GE)
  11. Arvind Malikeshwaran, “Development and Testing of Synchrophasor Based Dynamic Remedial Action Schemes”, M.S., August 2015, (Working with GE Grid Solutions, Redmond, WA)
  12. Pramila Nirbhavane, “Data-Driven Load Modeling in Power Distribution System”, M.S., December 2014 (Working with New York ISO, NY)
  13. Fransiska Anna Martina, “Graph Theory and Particle Swarm Based Reconfiguration of Multiple Microgrids For Grid Resiliency”, MS, Dec 2014 (Working at Chevron, Indonesia)
  14. Jie Wei, “Distribution Locational Marginal Price Using Three-Phase Current Injection Based Optimal Power Flow”, M.S., Dec. 2014, (Working at Monitoring Analytics LLC, PA)
  15. Rahul Anilkumar, “Volt/Var Management for Transmission and Distribution Systems with Wind Energy”, M.S., May 2014 (Working with Quanta Technology, CA)
  16. Ceeman Vellathurai, “Cyber-Power System Analysis Using a Real-Time Test Bed”S., August 2013 (Working with Schweitzer Engineering Lab, WA)
  17. Griet Devriese, “Energy Savings and Volt/Var optimization using intelligent control”, M.S., August 2013 (Working with Power Engineers, ID)
  18. Timothy Ernster, “Power System Vulnerability Analysis: A Centrality Based Approach Utilizing Limited Information”, S., August 2012 (Working with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, OR)
  1. Meshal Marzooq, December 2021 (SEL)
  2. Kevin Gowan, Professional Science Masters (PSM), May 2021 (Puget Sound Energy)
  3. Michael Montgomery, Professional Science Masters (PSM), December 2020 (E.C. Fennell, FL)
  4. Kelly McFarlane, Professional SM, May 2020 (Bonneville Power Administration)
  5. Dejene Mersha, Professional SM, May 2018 (Seattle City and Light, Seattle, WA)
  6. Abdur Rehman, Professional SM, December 2017 (Seattle City and Light, Seattle, WA)
  7. Sadiq Anod, PSM, May 2017 (Chelan County PUD, Chelan, WA)
  8. Brandon Powers, “Model-based attack detection and mitigation for AGC”, M.S., May 2016 (working with Army Corps of Engineer, Walla Walla, WA)
  9. Yipeng Zhou, “Cyber-Physical Analysis for Reconfiguration of Multiple Microgrids”, M.S. (Non-Thesis), Engineering Sciences, August 2015 (National Institute of clean and low carbon energy (NICE), China)
  10. Alexander Anderson, PSM, December 2015 (Pacific Northwest National Lab, WA)
  11. Han Zhao, “Fault Location for Power Distribution System”, M.S. (Non-Thesis), May 2015
  12. Bhavana Mupalla, “Distribution system restoration with Microgrid”, M. S. (Non-thesis), August 2014 (Working at Electric Power Systems (EPS), St. Louis, MO)
  13. Amanvir Sudan, “Data acquisition and monitoring in power grid”, M. S. (Non-thesis), August 2013 (Working at Schweitzer Engineering Lab, CA)
  14. Shreya S Kodnadu, “PMU performance and modeling”, M. S. (Non-thesis), August 2012 (Working at Silicon Valley Power, San Francisco, CA)
  1. Shilpa Toppo, “Three-phase continuation power flow based on current injection algorithm for distribution systems”,S., Dec. 2010 (Working with PacificCorp, Salt Lake City, UT)
  2. Ram Mohan Reddi, “Development of smart grid testbed for operation, control and cyber-security analysis”, M.S., Dec. 2010 (Working at the Penna Cement Industries, India)
  3. Doug Bowman, “Impact of Wind farm with storage on Electric Grid”, M.S., December 2010 (Working with Southwest Power Pool, AR),
  4. Shireesha Methuku, “Modeling of the Biomass Power Generation and Techno-Economic Analysis”, M.S., December 2009 (Working with ERCOT, Texas)
  5. Ankush Saran, “Real-Time Modeling, Simulation and Validation of Protective Relays”,S., December 2009. (Ph.D. student at Mississippi State University, MS)
  6. Sunil Palla, “Development of overcurrent relay model and power system simulator using national instruments devices in real-time”, M.S., December 2008. (*Best Graduate Research Assistant Award) (Working with New York Power Authority, NY)
  7. Bharath Ravulapati, “Development of corrective actions for higher-order contingencies”, S., December 2008. (Working with Cross Texas Transmission, TX)
  8. Abhilash Reddy Masannagari, “Optimizing the size and location of distributed generators to maximize the grid stability”, S., December 2008. (Working with New York Power Authority, NY)
  9. Aarthi Asok Kumar, “Technical and economic impacts of distributed generators and energy storage devices on the electric grid”, S., December 2008. (Working with LCG Consulting, CA)
  10. Dina Khaniya, “Development of three-phase continuation power flow for voltage stability analysis of distribution systems”, S., Dec. 2008. (Working at Schneider Electric, SC)
  1. Vinoth Mohan, “Advancements in Power System Monitoring and Inter-Operability”, (with Dr. Noel Schulz) S., Dec. 2009, (Working with GE Grid Solutions, Redmond, WA),
  2. Padmavathy Kankanala, “Optimal Control of Voltage and Power in MVDC Multi-Zonal Shipboard Power System”, (with Dr. Noel Schulz), S., December 2009 (PSE&G, Newark, NJ)
  3. Seetharam Rudraraju, “Small Signal and Transient Stability Analysis of MVDC Shipboard Power System”, (with Dr. Noel Schulz), S., December 2009 (Working with Open System International, Minneapolis, MN)
  4. Venkata Pendurthi, “Uncertainty in Measurements and Cognitive Engineering Analysis of a Decision Support System for Power System Reconfiguration”, (with Dr. Noel Schulz), S., December 2009 (Working with CompuSharp, Jackson, MS)
  5. Krishnanjan Gubba Ravikumar, “Distributed simulation of power systems using Real-Time Digital Simulator”, M.S., August 2009. (with Dr. Noel Schulz) (*Best Graduate Research Assistant Award) (Working with the Google, CA)
  6. Srinath Kamireddy, “Comparison of state estimation algorithms considering phasor measurement units and major and minor data loss”, S., December 2008. (with Dr. Noel Schulz) (Working with Entergy, Jackson, MS)
  1. Mounika Kurra, M.S., December 2010 (working with Siemens PTI, NY)
  2. Venkata Surya Subrahmanyam, M.S., December 2010 (Working with PWR Solutions, DNV GL Company, Dallas, TX)
  3. Sugam Patel, M.S., March 2010. (Working with American Electric Power, TX)
  4. Bala Ranganath Kondaveeti, M.S., August 2009. (Working with IK Power Systems Solutions, LA)
  5. Chenfeng Zhang, M.S., December 2008 (Working with Texas Instruments, IN)
  6. Bharath Annabathina, M.S., 2008. (Working with New York Power Authority, NY)
  1. Kemal Aygul, Graduate Student (Summer 2023-Summer 2024)
  2. Samridhi Sajwan, Graduate Student (Fall 2023-Spring 2024)
  3. Krit Thampanichvong, Graduate Student (Spring 2024-Summer, 2024)
  4. Pratik Sharma, Graduate Student (Summer 2023)
  5. Diksha Singh, Graduate Student (Summer 2023)
  6. Satabdy Jena, Graduate Student (Summer 2022)
  7. Mehdi Jabbari Zideh, Graduate Student (Summer 2022)
  1. Ramyasai S. Bhavirisetty (Spring 2021- Fall 2021)
  2. Rushabh Shah (Fall 2021)
  3. Eshwar Nag Pilli, Graduate Intern (Spring 2021- Fall 2021)
  4. Anshuman, Graduate Intern (Summer 2019-Spring 2021)
  5. Tejas Ghanwat, Graduate Intern (Fall 2020- Spring 2021)
  6. Nikhil Doppalapudi, Graduate Intern (Spring 2020- Fall 2020)
  7. Ali Tamimi, Graduate Intern, Summer 2020 (Supported on NSF)
  8. Amandeep Saini, Graduate Intern, Spring 2020- Fall 2020 (Supported on NSF/ DOE)
  9. Aditya Jasuja, Graduate Intern, Fall 2019 (Supported on PSERC)
  10. Dipankar Medhi, Graduate Intern, Fall 2019 (Supported on DOE GMLC)
  11. Ehdieh Khaledian, Graduate Intern, Summer 2019 (supported on NSF and DOE)
  12. Rajarshi Dutta, Graduate Intern, Summer 2019 (Supported by DOE)
  13. Shreyasi Som, Graduate Intern, Summer 2019 (Supported by DOE)
  14. Supnirun Suwannasorn, Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2019 (Funded by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok)
  15. Wasawat Sukrung, Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2019 (Funded by the AIT)   
  16. Sittinan Muanchaona, Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2019 (Funded by the AIT)
  17. Chanatta Chaipakdee, Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2019 (Funded by AIT)
  18. Yasmine Ben Miloud, Visiting Graduate Intern, July 2019, (Funded by Fulbright)
  19. Jayakumar Sreenath, Visiting Graduate Student, Summer 2018 (Supported by ARPA-E)
  20. Kush Khanna, Visiting Graduate Student, Summer 2018 (Supported by DOE)
  21. Jiranat Tangchittichariya, Visiting Student, September 2017- January 2018 (Supported by Thailand Government)
  22. Kalpesh Joshi, Visiting Doctoral Scholar, July 2015- January 2016 (Funded by IIT Gandhinagar, India)
  23. Frank A. Ibarra, Visiting Doctoral Scholar, January 2013- January 2014 (Partially funded by Sao Paulo University, Brazil)
  24. Pornchai Chaweewat, Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2013 (Funded by Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok)
  25. Pathatai Dharmasaroj, Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2013 (Funded by Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok)
  26. Xiyu Xie, Graduate Student (September 2015-December 2015) (Supported by Siemens)
  27. Pradya Panyainkaew Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2017 (Funded by AIT)
  28. Patthanapun Boonthong, Visiting Graduate Intern, Summer 2017 (Funded by Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok)
  1. Ifenna Ekwenem, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2023-Spring 2024)
  2. Hunter Lavender, Undergraduate Researcher (Fall 2023)
  3. Camil Coullon, Undergraduate (Summer 2022)
  1. Brian Ha, REU Student (Spring 2021- Fall 2021)
  2. Asmita Acharya, Undergraduate Intern on NSF REU (Summer 2021)
  3. Jayce Gaddis, Undergraduate Intern (September 2018-March 2020)
  4. Edgar Orozco, Undergraduate Intern (Summer 2020)
  5. Tori Elizabeth Warner, Undergraduate Intern (Summer 2020)
  6. Alexandra Beatrice King, Undergraduate Intern (Summer 2020)
  7. Jonah Davis, Undergraduate Intern on NSF REU (Summer 2020)
  8. Lauren Smith, NSF REU, Summer 2019
  9. Hyesun Cha, Research Intern, 2013- 2017 (Supported by DOE, PSERC, EPRI)
  10. Chuan Qin, Intern (January 2018-December 2018)
  11. Harshit Bajpai, Visiting Researcher, Summer 2018 (Supported by ARPA-E, NSF)
  12. Caroline L. Rublein, NSF REU (Summer 2018)
  13. Christopher Riedeman, NSF REU Intern (January 2018-May 2018)
  14. Jacob Greig Prine, Research Intern, (May 2016-May 2018)
  15. Darryl Hicks, Intern (August 2017-December 2017)
  16. David Bai, NSF REU (June 2017-August 2017)
  17. Darryl Hicks, NSF REU (June 2017-August 2017)
  18. Noble Stoneman, NSF REU (June 2017-August 2017)
  19. Linh Nguyen, NSF REU (June 2016-August 2016)
  20. Nathan VelaBorja (Summer, 2015-December 2015)
  21. Glory Obielodan, NSF REU (Summer 2015)
  22. Sebastian S. Rodriguez (Summer 2015)
  23. Douglas Rapier (Summer 2014-December 2014)
  24. Trey Ottaway (Summer 2014)
  25. Austin Irby (Spring 2013-Spring 2014)
  26. Alex Loper (Fall, 2013-Spring 2014)
  27. Matt Tabor (Spring, 2013- Summer, 2013)
  28. Rory Beckstorm, (Fall, 2012 – Fall 2013)
  29. Hyojong Lee, (Fall, 2012)
  30. Abdur Rehman (Fall 2012-Spring 2013)
  31. Rakesh Goyal (Summer 2012)
  32. Jared Bestbreuer (Summer 2011)
  33. Sadiq Anod (REU) (Summer 2011)
  1. Reginal Roby, Mississippi State University, B.S. Student, (Spring and Fall, 2010)
  2. Udita Singh, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, (Summer 2009)
  3. Sri Hari Krishna, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, (Summer 2009)
  4. Meenakshi Garg, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, (Summer 2008)
  5. Nikhil Kumar, Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, India, (Summer 2007)
  1. Rohan Arunkumar, Highschool Student, (Summer 2024)
  2. Noah Jacob, Highschool Student, (Summer 2024)
  3. Kashish Vankayala, Highschool Student, (Summer 2024)
  4. Dev Aggarwal, Highschool Student, (Summer 2023)
  5. Gauri Kshettry, Highschool Student, (Summer 2023)
  6. Srikar Kovvuri, Highschool Student, (Summer 2023)
  7. Simran Saluja, Highschool Student, (Summer 2023)
  8. Nethan Binu, Highschool Student, (Summer 2022)
  9. Rohith Madhuker, Highschool Student (Summer 2022)
  10. Rajat Sengupta, Highschool Student (Summer 2022)
  1. Suhani Shukla, Highschool Intern as part of SPARK SIP (Summer 2021)
  2. Rosie Shen, Highschool Intern as part of SPARK SIP (Summer 2021)
  3. Rayna Bhattacharyya, Highschool Intern as part of SPARK SIP (Summer 2021)
  4. James Park, High-school Intern, Summer 2019 (Supported on NSF)
  5. Siyum Khan, High-school Intern, Summer 2019 (Supported on DOE)
  6. Darshil Shah, Highschool Research Intern, Summer 2018, 2019 (Supported by PSERC)