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- WVU computer science and cybersecurity undergraduate programs reach significant growth this fall semester
- How utilities are working to meet AI data centers’ voracious appetite for electricity
- MATCH UP: WVU is training the next generation of cyber warriors
- From communication devices to ‘deadly tools,’ WVU researcher elaborates on explosive potential of pagers and walkie-talkies
- WVU researchers to utilize $1.75M in federal funding for innovative cybersecurity AI program
- Study Including WVU and Marshall Analyzes Cyber Threats to Artificial Intelligence Systems
- WVU addressing AI in cybersecurity
- WVU Statler College alumni contribute $750K in pursuit of ‘relentless innovation’
- WVU researchers give electric vehicle batteries a second life
- WVU Statler College boosts biometrics education with support from IDEMIA National Security Solutions
- WVU experts see cell outage as ‘stark reminder’ of critical infrastructure vulnerabilities
- Top ranked online graduate program in Software Engineering the Statler College integrating new technologies for student success
- Srivastava received a DOE grant to develop machine learning to fortify power grids
- West Virginia getting ahead of the curve with Artificial Intelligence
- WVU Day at Capitol showcase new BS Robotics program in Charleston
- Srivastava interviewed for All sides with Ann Fisher, WOSU NPR, BBC World Service on Attacks on Critical infrastructure
- WVU creating live fire exercise facility for cybersecurity
- Srivastava part of the Cybersecurity Grant to Help Develop Hands-On Activities
- Srivastava part of the DOE funding for Grid Resilience
- Department of Education Supports new Cyber Range co-led by Dr. Srivastava
- New Cybersecurity Educational Activities planned at WVU
- Srivastava to lead a new project for Battery Integration into the Grid
- WVU Statler College to host energy systems lab and learning space dedication
- Srivastava elected as fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association
- From AI to electric snowplows, WVU researcher explores ways to modernize
- Srivastava to give distinguished lecture at the Mississippi State University
- Srivastava co-authors a book on Cyber Infrastructure for the Smart Electric Grid
- SG-REAL students win at the second annual Statler Graduate Student Research Symposium
- Srivastava interviewed on grid resiliency with John Dickerson, CBS News Prime Time
- Srivastava interviewed for NC Substation Attack with ABC News
- Srivastava Interviewed with WFAE, Charlotte NPR news
- SG-REAL launched open-source cyber-power systems data
- Srivastava co-authored paper, winning the 2022 Institution of Engineering Technology Best Paper Premium Award
- Srivastava co-organized the 11th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
- WVU solar-power test site in Fairmont given greenlight
- Clouds part for solar energy’s prospects in West Virginia as WVU and partners build a solar-power test site in Fairmont
- Srivastava to give keynote at the NPSC
- Srivastava to give keynote at the CARS 2022
- How to prevent power grid failures
- Srivastava interviewed with NSF Discovery Files
- SG-REAL students contribute to team efforts to the DOE CyberForce Competition
- WVU engineer aims to increase the resiliency of the power grid against cyberattacks
- Key stakeholders across the state during first industry day
- WVU Engineer Aims to Increase the Use and Reliability of Carbon Free Electricity Systems
- WVU professor develops advanced solutions for human-machine coordination
- West Virginia University researchers looking to transform power grid crisis response
- Srivastava to offer tutorial on distributed optimization at the PESGM, 2022
- Srivastava to co-chair supersession on Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems, PESGM 2022, Denver, 2022
- Srivastava to be speaker in supersession on Extreme Events and Their Impact on Power Systems at the PESGM, 2022
- WVU to join US Cyber Command Academic Engagement Network
- WVU redesignated as cybersecurity center of excellence
- Srivastava to co-chair 10th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, May 2022
- Srivastava to give webinar at MIT LIDS/ EESG, April 2022
- Partha Sarker, Graduate student in SG-REAL won the first-place award in LCSEE graduate student poster presentations
- Srivastava to give IEEE PES talk on distributed optimization for power grid, January 2022
- Srivastava to give a keynote at IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC 2021)
- Anurag Srivastava to give keynote at the International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), December, 2021
- Srivastava Co-Chaired Workshop on Power Grid Resilience
- Srivastava Named IEEE Fellow for Power Grid Resilience Technology
- Srivastava named Chair of the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Srivastava to Give IEEE PES Day Webinar in Columbus, Ohio
- Srivastava to give webinar for IEEE Task Force on Cyber-Physical Interdependence for Power System Operation and Control
- WSU researchers receive the 2021 Commercialization Gap Fund
- Srivastava promoted to Full professor
- Srivastava to give a keynote at the IEEE International conference on Sustainable Energy
- Grid resilience in the face of a pandemic
- Srivastava to serve in user selection panel, ERIGrid2.0
- AI startup for electric grid resilience
- Srivastava to have a joint Appointment as a research scientist with the PNNL AGI Institute
- Srivastava to deliver IEEE Distinguish lecture at the National University of Singapore
- Srivastava to give IEEE Distinguish Lecture at Miami, FL
- Srivastava to give keynote at CEEPE/ ICSGSC, Berkley, CA
- Energy resilience research from Dr. Srivastava featured by EnergyCentral
- Srivastava to give IEEE Big data tutorial
- Srivastava interviewed by Associated Press for Venezuela’s Blackout
- Srivastava interviewed by The Seattle Times for Venezuela’s Blackout
- Srivastava interviewed by SF Gate for Venezuela’s Blackout
- Srivastava to give IEEE Distinguish Lecture at University of Hawaii
- Dr. Srivastava interviewed by Turtle and Hughes
- Dr. Srivastava to give Keynote at the ESEDTM, 18
- IEEE Smart grid interviews Prof. Srivastava
- Prof. Srivastava to give plenary talk at National Power System Conference
- Prof. Srivastava to give invited talk at Microgrid symposium in Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Srivastava gave Tutorial at IEEE PES T&D Latin America in peru,
- Prof. Srivastava invited to speak at IEEE IAS young professional program
- Prof. Srivastava invited to speak at Pacific Northwest Economic Region Annual Summit
- Prof. Srivastava invited to speak at IEEE sponsored international workshop on smart grid in India
- Prof. Srivastava and colleague awarded patent on PMU Performance Analyzer
- Prof. Srivastava invited to give plenary talk at an intentional conference in India
- Prof. Srivastava to lead a new NSF funded big idea research project
- Prof. Srivastava organized data analytics for the power grid workshop supported by NSF
- Prof. Srivastava invited to give tutorial at IEEE Power Africa
- Prof. Srivastava to organize 4 panels at IEEE PESGM 2018
- Prof. Srivastava to chair workshop on cyber-physical system modeling and simulations in Porto, Portugal
- WSU professor works to improve smart power grids
- Prof. Srivastava to give keynote at an international conference in Singapore
- WSU part of the grid distributed simulation team in two continents
- Dr. Srivastava to co-lead $30M international partnership to advance power grid
- Dr. Srivastava will co-lead a new $2.3M grant to improve U.S. power grid design
- Dr. Srivastava part of the International Energy Project
- Dr. Srivastava organized a workshop on data analytics for the smart grid with Siemens
- Dr. Srivastava is part of the team to develop distributed and resilient control for the power grid
- WSU to lead international research to advance the DER integration
- Dr. Srivastava to give keynote at smart grid conference in Singapore
- Dr. Srivastava is part of the new DOE Resilience GMLC project in Alaska: RADIANCE
- Dr. Srivastava is invited panelist at NSF CPS PI meeting
- Dr. Srivastava to offer tutorial on grid security and resiliency at NAPS, Morgantown, WV
- Dr. Srivastava to give IEEE distinguished lecture at IIT Kanpur, India
- IEEE Distinguished lecture given by Dr. Srivastava at National University of Singapore
- Dr. Srivastava to give IEEE Distinguished Lecture at Manila, Philippines
- Dr. Srivastava invited as speaker to SmartGift conference, London, UK
- WSU part of the Global RT-SuperLab for electric grid simulation
- Dr. Srivastava to chair 2017 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, Pittsburgh, PA
- Jacob Greig-Prine working with Dr. Srivastava wins award at international conference
- Dr. Srivastava to give keynote lecture at NPSC, India
- A tutorial on electric grid resiliency was given by Dr. Srivastava at PEDES
- Dr. Srivastava was invited to give a talk at Power Engineering Forum at SEL, Pullman, WA
- Ramon Zamora from SGDRIL joined as faculty at AUT, Auckland, NZ
- Dr. Srivastava gave a talk at Harvard University
- Dr. Srivastava organized a panel session at IEEE PES GM on “Measuring and Enabling Resiliency using Microgrid”
- Dr. Srivastava organized a panel session at IEEE PES GM on “Integrating Synchrophasor Research into Education”
- Dr. Srivastava was invited for IEEE PES webinar on synchrophasor applications
- Dr. Srivastava elected as secretary of IEEE PES PEEC
- Dr. Srivastava gave one day workshop on Advances in Power System Operations and Control using Synchrophasors (PMUs) at CPRI, India
- Dr. Srivastava to participate in a new DOE ARPA-E project
- Dr. Srivastava to give one day tutorial on Synchrophasor Applications in the Power Grid at ISGT, 2015
- Dr. Srivastava featured in the Daily Evergreen news for the new DOE cyber security for the power grid project
- Dr. Srivastava is part of a new NSF CPS collaborative Project
- Dr. Srivastava is part of the first PSERC High Impact Project
- WSU to participate in National Cybersecurity Project
- SGDRIL featured in Washington State Magazine
- Dr. Srivastava is a speaker at the week-long TCIPG Summer School on cyber security of the power grid
- Dr. Srivastava is part of the $28.1M DOE grant to help with Cyber Security in Energy Delivery System
- Dr. Srivastava promoted to Associate professor
- Dr. Srivastava organized panel at IEEE PESGM 2015 on ‘Cyber-Physical Educational Modules’
- Dr. Srivastava organized panel at IEEE PESGM 2015 on ‘Lessons-Learned from Microgrid Implementation’
- Dr. Srivastava organized panel at IEEE PESGM 2015 on ‘Microgrid as a Resource for Resiliency’
- Dr. Srivastava organized Synchrophasror workshop at Central Power Research Institute
- IEEE Distinguished Lecture on Modeling and Analysis of Cyber-Power Systems
- Creating a smart city by focusing on grid efficiencies
- Dr. Srivastava invited to contribute towards BPA Demand Response Technology Roadmap
- Dr. Srivastava gave tutorial on microgrid and active distribution system at ICUE 2014, Thailand
- Dr. Srivastava organized a panel on : Microgrid operation in contingencies and recovery’ at the IEEE PES GM 2014
- Dr. Srivastava elected as IEEE distinguished lecturer
- Dr. Srivastava was invited as plenary speaker at NPSC 2014
- WSU hosts major power industry event
- Sept. 7-9: Power symposium highlights stability, security
- Energy Management and Control Algorithms for Active Distribution Systems
- Students take top prizes at world power, energy conference
- Synchrophasor Applications for the Smart Electric Grid
- Dr. Srivastava to give invited talk at U of Toronto
- Graduate student wins international engineering contest
- Dr. Srivastava is part of the external committee for BPA Transmission Technology Roadmap
- Invited to server as an associate editor of IEEE transaction of smart grid
- Article co-authored by Srivastava ranked among most cited articles in The Electricity Magazine since 2008
- Anurag Srivastava presenting closed loop cyber-physical modeling in an end-to-end simulation for TCIPG Industry Workshop Demo
- Driven by energy, fueled by philanthropy
- WSU students earn the most IEEE power scholarships
- The Next Phase for Distributed Energy
- Cyber-Physical Simulation and Security Analysis With Incomplete Information
- Graduate student receives top poster award
- Student explores realiability, stability in electric power
- EECS Graduate Student News Release April 2013
- 2013 Summer School – Session Abstracts and Presenter Bios
- Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration and Implementation Projects
- CUE Seminar Series: Smart Grid Technology, October 10, 2013
- Synchrophasor Based Voltage Stability and Real Time Implementation, May 28, 2013
- Anurag Srivastava Selected to Participate in Leading Engineering Education Symposium
- Professor chosen for leading engineering education symposium
- K-12 Outreach and Educational Initiatives Within the Power Industry
- WSU Student Receives Second Place in Annual Power Engineering Conference
- Anurag Srivastava Selected to Participate in Leading Engineering Education Symposium
- Conference the first to look at synchrophasor testing for smart grid
- IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) and Washington State University Laboratory Host First Synchrophasor Conference Focusing on Testing for the Smart Grid
- First-Ever Conference Looks at Synchrophasor Testing for Smart Grid
- Meet Griet Devriese
- Dr. Srivastava invited to present at two panels at IEEE PESGM
- Dr. Srivastava is organizing a panel on K-12 outreach at IEEE T&D
- Dr. Srivastava is organizing a panel on Microgrid at IEEE PESGM
- Smart Grid Modeling and Simulation
- EE Senior Brett Bell Receives Prestigious Power Scholarship
- IEEE Partners with Washington State University
- IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) and Washington State University Laboratory Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Develop Conformance Framework for Syncrophasors
- WSU to become a smart grid testing lab
- EE Student Takes a Chance at International Conference and Brings Home Second Place
- Validation of Smart Grid Algorithms and Devices Using Real Time Simulation
- Smart Grid Lab Gets Underway
- Innovation: College of Engineering and Architecture
- Dr. Srivastava invited to present at three panels at IEEE PESGM